Dragons were just a distant memory at the start of Game of Thrones. The Valyrian Freehold contained a huge number of the beasts, but the majority perished in the Doom of Valyria. Most of the survivors died in the years to come, leaving the species extinct until Daenerys revived them at the end of Season 1.

While it took time for magic to re-enter the world, Westeros' history was forged in dragonfire and dragon have had a major impact on the continent's events for over a century. While any dragon was a game-changer in battle, some were notably more powerful than their peers, a fact House of the Dragon won't be able to ignore for much longer.

Updated July 26, 2023 James Lynch: Targaryens believe themselves closer to gods than men, but there's no controlling a weapon of mass destruction. Between Caraxes stomping on a Targaryen soldier, Meleys caving in the Dragonpit, and both Vhagar & Arrax going rogue in the season finale, House of the Dragon hasn't shied away from their destructive power.

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20 Morghul

Dragonriders: NoneThe Dragonpit about to be stormed by the citizens of King's Landing

Morghul was a relatively young dragon who was bound to Princess Jaehaera Targaryen, though never ridden by her. Following the capture of King's Landing by Rhaenyra Targaryen and her force of blacks loyalists, Jaehaera escaped the capital while her dragon remained in the Dragonpit. Rhaenyra's rule over the greatest city in Westeros was marred by conflict and rioting and it was during one of these turbulent events that Morghul met his end.

A prophet known only as the Shepherd began to drum up anti-dragon feeling, culminating in a huge mob storming the Dragonpit and attempting to slay the five beasts that remained there. It was said that, despite being chained down, Morghul put up a tremendous fight, slaying scores of attackers with its flaming breath. The dragon was eventually killed after a spear was thrust into its eye but it managed to carve out a tremendous place for itself following its epic last stand.

19 Syrax

Dragonriders: Rhaenyra Targaryen

Syrax the dragon peers out of one eye in House of the Dragon

Syrax was a huge and intimidating dragon who comes second only to Caraxes among the Targaryen mounts in House of the Dragon. Noted for its unusually yellow scales, Syrax was named after a goddess of Valyria. Rhaenyra flew on Syrax during the assault and capture of King's Landing and was likely to have been the mother of the dragons bound to Rhaenyra's children.

Syrax was also treated differently to her contemporaries, living within the walls of the Red Keep instead of in the Dragonpit with the other "tamed" dragons who were alive at the time. The dragon was eventually slain following the Storming of the Dragonpit.

18 Tessarion

Dragonriders: Prince Daeron Targaryen

A dragon egg is placed over intense heat in House of the Dragon

Tessarion is one of the more unusual dragons in this list, with little known about the extent of its powers. Though of fighting size, the dragon was very young but played a major role in some of the larger battles in Westeros' history. Tessarion contributed to victories at the Battle on the Honeywine and the First Battle of Tumbleton, swinging the war in the favor of the greens.

Noted for being an extremely beautiful dragon whose blue scales were matched only by the cobalt color of its flames, Tessarion was eventually killed at the Second Battle of Tumbleton following a three-way fight with Seasmoke and Vermithor. Of the three dragons, Tessarion was the last to die after three arrows pierced its eye.

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17 Silverwing

Dragonriders: Queen Alysanne Targaryen

Silverwing rains down fire on the town of Tumbleton

SIlverwing, as the name may suggest, was a silver-colored dragon who was considered relatively peaceful and friendly when compared to her immediate counterparts. The dragon featured in many significant moments, including lighting the funeral pyre of King Aenys I Targaryen with Vermithor and Quicksilver.

After the death of Queen Alysanne, Silverwing refused to be handled by any other Dragonrider until a Dragonseed man-at-arms named Ulf the White was able to tame her. She was present at the Second Battle of Tumbleton and witnessed the deaths of her kin before the poisoning of Ulf left her without a rider. She would go on to become semi-wild and would die many years later, having been one of just three to survive the Dance of the Dragons.

16 Arrax

Dragonriders: Lucerys Velaryon

Luke riding Arrax in House of the Dragon

One of the smallest dragons seen so far, Arrax was Lucerys Velaryon's personal dragon, his egg having been placed in Luke's cradle when he was a baby. The boy and the dragon were bonded for most of their life before tragedy struck at Storm's End. As seen in House of the Dragon, Season 1, Episode 10, "The Black Queen," Rhaenyra sent Luke to Storm's End where he and Arrax would lose their lives.

The Battle above Storm's End highlights just how little control Targaryens actually have over their dragons. Both Arrax and Vhagar stop responding to their riders' commands. Arrax engages Vhagar head-on with a fireblast, and Vhagar eats Arrax and Luke alive. Aemond shouldn't have antagonized Luke so much, but he never intended to kill his nephew. Controlling the biggest dragon in HotD is no easy feat, however.

15 Sheepstealer

Dragonrider: Nettles

Nettles attempts to tame Sheepstealer

There were three notable untamed dragons during the Dance. Named for his habit of butchering the livestock of Dragonstone, Sheepstealer was eventually tamed by a young girl named Nettles, who won his trust by giving him food. Sheepstealer was at least eighty and was therefore larger than many dragons used for war in House of the Dragon. However, Nettles fled with Sheepstealer before either of them were tested, so it's impossible to guess the dragon's true strength.

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14 The Cannibal

Dragonrider: None

The Cannibal Dragon feasts upon flesh

The oldest and largest wild dragon on Dragonstone, The Cannibal was notorious for eating its own kind, with a preference for hatchlings and dragon eggs. Despite dragons being a valuable resource during the Dance of the Dragons, Cannibal's violent and untamed nature meant that no riders could tame it.

There's no denying that Cannibal was a threat capable of killing and devouring its own kin, but it never proved its mettle against other dragons. This ends up being a blessing in a way, as Cannibal ends up one of the only dragons to survive the Dance of the Dragons. What happened to it after the war, however, is unclear.

13 Grey Ghost

Dragonrider: None

The Grey Ghost sits proudly on a rock

Untamed and riderless during the Dance of the Dragons, Grey Ghost was notatably fearful and shy, avoiding dragons and humans alike on Dragonstone. Despite his nature, a few dragonseeds sought out Grey Ghost to bond with him, but none could find him.

Grey Ghost would eventually loses its life in a battle against Sunfyre while fighting over the Dragonmont. Even with a lifetime of hiding, Grey Ghost fought back fiercely when it found itself trapped. Even though Sunfyre survived and killed Grey Ghost, the dragon was badly injured in the struggle.

12 Quicksilver

Dragonriders: King Aenys I Targaryen, Aegon the Uncrowned

Quicksilver engaged in a fight with another dragon

One of the first dragons born after Aegon Targaryen's and his sisters' conquest of Westeros, Quicksilver was a young dragon whose fiery breath was pale white. Originally Aenys' mount, his son Aegon inherited Quicksilver.

Aegon's crown was ultimately usurped by his uncle, Maegor, when two faced each other in battle above the ruined castle of Harrenhal. Quicksilver stood no chance against Maegor's enormous steed, Balerion the Black Dread. Balerion tore off Quicksilver's wings and burned him from the sky, killing both dragon and rider.

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11 Meleys, The Red Queen

Dragonriders: Alyssa Targaryen, Rhaenys Targaryen

Meleys Roars at Aegon II

The central conflict in House of the Dragon, The Dance of the Dragons saw more dragon casualties than any event since the Doom of Valyria. Although Meleys was far from the first dragon to die, she was one of the first truly old and powerful dragons to be killed during the conflict. Her death marks a major turning point in both the war and Targaryen history.

At least two generations of Targaryens rode Meleys before her demise. Meleys didn't go down without fighting, however. At the Battle of Rook's Rest, she gives Sunfyre the first of several grave injuries that'll eventually take his life. Meleys may have died, but she does irreperable damage to both Aegon II and Sunfyre that follow them both for the rest of their lives.

Meleys interrupted Aegon II's coronation in House of the Dragon, Season 1, Episode 9, "The Green Council," killing several smallfolk in the process. While Rhaenys had a chance to end the war right then and there, she spared Alicent and reasoned it wasn't her place to instigate bloodhsed. Rhaenys and Meleys' last minute appearance not only sets up their later battle at Rook's Rest, but the resentment the smallfolk eventually end up building for dragons.

10 Sunfyre, The Golden

Dragonrider: King Aegon II Targaryen

Aegon rides Sunfyre above Rook's Rest

Only seen briefly in House of the Dragon so far, Sunfyre was King Aegon II Targaryen's mount during the Dance of the Dragons and considered the most beautiful dragon to ever live. More than just a pretty face, however, Sunfyre often held his own in combat and was one of the most dangerous dragons in the war when all was said and done.

Sunfyre fought in several battles throughout the Dance of the Dragons, slaughtering foe after foe and killing more dragons than anyone else in the war. However, the toll of these battles left the proud creature wounded and broken. While not a kind man, Aegon II reportedly wept when Sunfyre eventually died of its many wounds.

9 Seasmoke

Dragonriders: Laenor Velaryon, Addam Velaryon

Seasmoke shoots immense flames during his first battle

Shown during the War for the Stepstones in House of the Dragon, Seasmoke was Laenor Velaryon's mount in the prelude to the Dance of the Dragons. Following his death, Seasmoke bonded with Addam of Hull (legitimized as Addam Velaryon), a supposed bastard son of Corlys Velaryon. Interstingly, Laenor's changed fate in House of the Dragon complicates Addam's future. According to lore, a dragon can only be bonded to one dragonrider at a time.

House of the Dragon Season 1, Episode 7, "Driftmark," reveals that Rhaenyra and Daemon only staged Laenor's death. He's actually alive and well with Qarl, seemingly far away from Westeroes. Since dragons can feel their riders' lifeforce to some extent, Seasmoke wouldn't be able to bond with Addam while Laenor is still alive. HotD ultimately has three choices moving forward: replace Addam with Laenor altogether, ignore that dragons can only be bonded to one rider at a time, or simply kill Laenor anyways. As of the season 1 finale, Daemon has confirmed that Seasmoke is riderless. Whether they accept a new rider has yet to be seen, however.

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8 Caraxes, The Blood Wyrm

Dragonriders: Aemon Targaryen, Daemon Targaryen

Daemon Targaryen and his dragon Caraxes in House of the Dragon

The Blood Wyrm Caraxes was ridden by the rogue Prince Daemon Targaryen during The Dance of the Dragons. The two are already experienced in combat by the time of House of the Dragon, having been to war in Dorne and the Stepstones. The first three episodes even adapt the War for the Stepstones to immediately convey just how dangerous Daemon & Caraxes are together.

Despite how powerful Daemon and Caraxes are, they don't actually do too much during The Dance of the Dragons according to Fire & Blood. Aside from their confrontation with Aemond above the Gods Eye, Daemon's exploits are relatively light. Considering how much focus House of the Dragon keeps giving Daemon, it's likely the series will end up giving him and Caraxes more to do as the Dance unfolds.

7 Meraxes

Dragonrider: Queen Rhaenys Targaryen

Queen Rhaenys Rides Meraxes into Battle

One of three dragons used by the Targaryens to conquer Westeros, Meraxes was ridden by Queen Rhaenys, Aegon the Conquerer's sister and wife. Of the siblings, Rhaenys was said to have loved flying the most and was often found on her dragon's silver-scaled back.

Meraxes was undeniably lethal and helped subjugate most of Westeros. Most notably, she was an active contributor to the Field of Fire, where the three siblings used their dragons to destroy the Reach and Westerlands' armies. Unfortunately, Meraxes became one of the only dragons to be killed by humans when she was shot down during the First Dornish War.

6 Vermithor, The Bronze Fury

Dragonriders: King Jaehaerys I Targaryen, Hugh Hammer

A composite image of Daemon and Vermithor in House of the Dragon

After the Conquest, Aegon and his sister's dragons produced several eggs, creating a second generation of powerful dragons. One of the most notable hatchlings from this litter was Vermithor, who served as Jaeherys Targaryen's mount, as well as infamous Dragonseed Hugh the Hammer during the Dance of the Dragons.

One of the strongest and largest dragons of its generation, he was only outmatched by dragons like Vhagar and Balerion. Vermithor had an impressive campaign during the Dance of the Dragons until Seasmoke managed to deal it lethal injuries during their two-on-one battle at the Second Battle of Tumbleton. Vermithor was seen in House of the Dragon, Season 1, Episode 10, "The Black Queen," where Daemon sang to him in High Valyrian.

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5 Rhaegal

Dragonrider: Jon Snow (Show Only)

Jon Snow riding Rhaegal for the first time

Rhaegal is one of three dragons Daenerys hatches at the end of season 1/the first book. Although Dorgon is clearly the strongest and most priminent of the trio in both mediums, it's not exactly clear who's stronger between Viserion and Rhaegal. In A Dance with Dragons, Barristan Selmy does mention that Rhaegal is more dangerous between the two, but the show makes no such distinction.

While is can be safely assumeed that Viserion is the stronger of the two post-resurrection, Rhaegal is no slouch. Despite being ridden by Jon Snow, arguably the most inexperienced dragonrider in the series, the two are able to hold their own against Viserion & The Night King in the Battle of Winterfell. It also takes multple Scorpion spears for Euron to kill Rhaegal in Game of Thrones Season 8, Episode 4 "The Last of the Starks."

4 Vhagar

Dragonriders: Queen Visenya Targaryen, Baelon the Brave, Laena Velaryon, Aemond Targaryen

Aemond and Vhagar in House of the Dragon.

Ridden by Aegon the Conqueror's sister Queen Visenya, Vhagar has a most storied history as far as Targaryen dragons go. Not only did she play an instrumental role in conquering Westeros, Vhagar was fought in many subsequent wars, most notably the Dance of the Dragons where she was ridden by Prince Aemond Targaryen.

Vhagar posed such a ferocious threat during this time that the Blacks essentially had to plan around her in order to successfuly combat the Greens. The Black Dread was also long dead by the time the Dance started, making Vhagar the largest & strongest living dragon at the time. Vhagar amassed a respectable kill count over the course of the war, taking out fellow dragons and dragonriders alike.

House of the Dragon finally showed off Vhagar's full might in Season 1, Episode 10, "The Black Queen." While chasing Luke as he flees Storm's End on Arrax, Aemond loses control of Vhagar. She not only takes dragonfire to the face without flinching, it takes her a single bite to kill both Arrax and Luke. Her shadow looming over Arrax puts into perpsective just how dangerous Vhagar really is.

3 Viserion

Dragonrider: The Night King (Show Only)

Viserion, Daenerys' dragon, revived under the Night's King control in Game of Thrones.

Viserion is the weakest of Dany's three dragons in the books, but the show gave him the special honor of spending the last season undead. In Game of Thrones Season 7, Episode 6 "Beyond the Wall," The Night King kills Viserion with one of his spears and resurrects the dragon as a wight. No longer bound to Daenerys, the Night King rides Viserion up until Jon & Dany dismount him during the Battle of Winterfell.

It's unclear just how much more powerful this resurrection makes Viserion, but it clearly has a notable effect. Viserion was able to hold its own against Rhaegal and Drogon in a straight fight. Most notably, however, his dragonfire was hot and strong enough to melt a hole through the Wall, one of Westeros' most magical structures. Viserion's undead properties even keep him alive after Drogon takes a chunk out of his neck.

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2 Drogon

Dragonrider: Queen Daenerys I Targaryen

Drogon breathing fire at the Iron Throne in Game of Thrones

Daenerys' personal mount, Drogon is an immense black dragon who some have described as the reincarnation of Balerion the Black Dread, and grew at a freakishly fast pace compared to Rhaegal and Viserion. Less than a decade old, Drogon razed King's Landing to the ground with relative ease in Season 8, Episode 5, "The Bells," and burned innumerable wights during the Battle of Winterfell in Season 8, Episode 3, "The Long Night."

While the same feats of strength have yet to be seen in the books, Dany has only just started riding him as of A Dance with Dragons. There's plenty of time for Daenerys' dragons to grow even stronger in The Winds of Winter and ADream of Spring. By the end of season 8, Drogonis the largest dragon in Game of Thrones and one of the strongest in A Song of Ice and Fire, period. Unlike Rhaegal and Viserion, Drogon actually survived Game of Thrones, making him the last living dragon by the end of the series.

1 Balerion, The Black Dread

Dragonriders: Aegon the Conqueror, King Maegor I Targaryen, Aerea Targaryen, King Viserys I Targaryen

Cersei looks at Balerion's skull

Perhaps the most iconic dragon in A Song of Ice and Fire other than Drogon, Balerion the Black Dread was the personal mount of Aegon the Conqueror, ridden in his conquest of Westeros. Balerion was the largest dragon in history and undeniably the most powerful – easily the strongest of any other dragon between Game of Thrones and House of the Dragon. Balerion's exploits against other dragons are relatively understated, however.

He only killed Quicksilver when King Maegor I Targaryen mounted him in battle, and could barely fly for long when King Viserys I bonded with him in House of the Dragons backstory. That said, Balerion's power was enough to make every kingdom in Westeros (save for Dorne) bend the knee to Aegon. No other dragon would be able to face Balerion if he were alive and in his prime during House of the Dragon.